
We Help Achieve Your
Biggest Goals
With the most appropiate experience
We Help Achieve Your
Biggest Goals
With the most appropiate experience
Customized High Quality Solutions
With the most appropiate
Our Solutions Are Customer
With the most appropiate experience
Agriculture solar power has become a preferred method of energy supply and farmers are starting to invest in cost-saving and…
Making the investment in a sustainable commercial solar solution not only significantly reduces your business carbon footprint.
From solar-powering indigent disconnected communities with latest solar technologies,  to providing turnkey renewable energy solutions for the agricultural, residential and…
Agricultural Solar Solutions
Agriculture solar power has become a preferred method of energy…
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Commercial Solar Solutions
Making the investment in a sustainable commercial solar solution not…
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Domestic Solar Solutions
From solar-powering indigent disconnected communities with latest solar technologies,  to…
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services overview

We See Things That Others Miss

When businesses wonder if solar is right for them, some of their first questions are, “Will solar affect my power quality?” and “Will solar be able to handle my high voltage equipment?”

5 kva solar option 1

Powers : Booster Pump , Pump, Fridge. TV, Electric Fence, Lights etc


Price available on request !!

5 Kva Hybrid Invetor
1 * 48 V Lithium Battery
6 * 330 watts Mono Panels
Accessories & Labour

5 kva solar option 2

Powers : Booster Pump , Pump, Fridge. TV, Electric Fence, Lights etc


Price available on request !!

5 Kva Hybrid Invetor
1 * 48 V Lithium Battery
4 * 330 watts Mono Panels
Accessories & Labour

Basic Solar

Powers : Tv, Radio, Lights, Charging etc


Price available on request !!

1000 watts Invetor
2 * 220 watts Panels
1 * 12v 200ah Battery
Accessories & Labour
How Can We

Help You?

To discuss how our team can help your business achieve true results.