About Us

Tryinn Solar Technologies aims to bring new clean energy services for Zimbabwe. We deliver renewable energy services and products At Tryinn Solar Technologies we have established excellent market penetration and networks, promoting the solar solutions through its extensive marketing team based in Zimbabwe.  We continue developing our technology and implementing innovations for better functionality and more energy saving.

Whether you’re a homeowner, business, farms or nonprofit, electricity costs can make up a large portion of your monthly expenses. Even if you don’t produce 100% of the energy you consume, solar will reduce your utility bills, saving you a lot of money. With the cost of solar becoming more affordable it is now more affordable than ever.

recent case studies

Tryinn Corporate Video Showcase

Since our inception , we’ve installed  solar energy systems for homes, businesses, schools, farms, government facilities, and utilities across the country, totaling more than 10 megawatts of clean energy. We have both individual and corporate clients who have already appreciated solar energy and successfully use it for their work and life.

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who we are

Our Company

Select solar panels and make your contribution to ecology and life on the Earth!

TRYINN SOLAR TECHNOLOGIES is a customer centered company in energy-saving industry in the Zimbabwe. The company has gained a reputation of trusted company and quality track record.

  • Financial Flexibility
  • Technical Expertise
  • Solar Energy

Whether you’re a homeowner, farm, business, or nonprofit, electricity costs can make up a large portion of your monthly expenses.

  • Financial Flexibility
  • Technical Expertise
  • Solar Energy

TRYINN SOLAR TECHNOLOGIES have been creating high quality bespoke solar systems. With over 100 clients we have a reputation for solving energy problems.

  • 5kva in Greendale
  • 5kva in Mutoko
  • 3kva in Gweru
  • 5kva in Kadoma
Frequently Asked Questions


TRYINN SOLAR TECHNOLOGIES is a customer centered comapnay in energy-saving industry in Zimbabwe. This solution will positively affect your life!

When businesses wonder if solar is right for them, some of their first questions are, “Will solar affect my power quality?” and “Will solar be able to handle my high voltage equipment?” view all

Solar is not just a phase – it’s an aggressively growing alternative as more and more people realize that they can save money every month by using solar panels. Whether the power you use comes from the utility or your solar…view all

Before you decide to get a quote for solar panels, there are some important questions you should ask any company you are considering hiring. “Will solar affect my power quality?” and “Will solar be able to handle my high … view all

As renewables continue to proliferate at an increasing rate, it is logical to consider the implications of an electricity grid based predominantly on renewable energy. Much of the industry’s growth to date has been . view all

important milestones


We continue developing our technology and implementing innovations for better functionality and more energy saving.
Lithium Batteries

In Zimbabwe we are seeing solar systems getting bigger to power up heavier electrical appliances like pumps, fridges, office equipment and to some even cooking and ironing. The old day small solar system which was only used for lighting and playing the radio is slowly fading into the backdrop. Solar is becoming the backbone of powering our farming projects, homes, hospitals, businesses and our places of worship.

National Renewable Energy Policy

The World Bank is helping the Zimbabwean government introduce a competitive program for procuring large scale PV power projects under the recently completed National Renewable Energy Policy.

Solar Energy Boom

The Zimbabwe Energy Regulatory Authority (Zera) has processed 39 solar power projects that have capacity to generate up 1,151.87MW, as the country moves towards renewable energy to increase capacity


Small Screen. Big Ideas.

Tryinn is proud to be serving fine Zimbabwean people for more years to come !